Designer & Builder of automated industrial machinery
Expert en dosage et gestion des flux, SG2C designs and manufactures equipment and/or complete lines between processing and wrapping machines using both handling and dosing know-how.
SG2C has developed a standard range of stainless steel belt conveyors which maintain product alignment. The technologies originally developed for biscuit handling, where the products are fragile and speeds quite high, can be used in many other industries.

Entreprise française à taille humaine créée en 2006, SG2C A human-sized company founded in 2006. Our experienced technicians will listen to your requirements in order to advise innovative ideas and solutions to optimize your projects, in order to reach the best possible line performance. The efficient internal organisation and its highly committed team enable the company to always deliver machines on time, as well as high-performance equipment to satisfy the demands of final users and OEM integrators in terms of efficiency, hygiene and safety.

Smart conveyors conveyors with various functions such as pull-nose, tilting, aligning, spreading, buffering. They can be sold as single machines or integrated into turnkey solutions, with or without control panels.
- Belt conveyors to transfer and/or cool products mainly after baking
- Angled conveyors to spread or reduce the product flow.
- Belt curves and spirals
- FIFO trombone buffers or vertical dynamic flow regulators (multilayer system including cooling)
- Realigning and contactless row indexing systems (double pullnose, Surf Belts)

Forte d’une expérience reconnue sur le marché mondial, l’équipe SG2C a su écouter les utilisateurs et continue de faire évoluer la technologie pour répondre à des exigences accrues en précision, fiabilité et nettoyabilité. SG2C With a worldwide experience, the SG2C team has listened to its users, continuously improving and developing new technologies to meet growing demands in terms of accuracy, reliability and cleanability. Our solutions can start from the exit of baking/frying process in order to cool products paying attention to transfers and re-create rows and alignments prior to dosing, including alternative turning in case of sandwiches.
- Depositing of creme, jam, chocolate, caramel, etc.
- Capping to suck and form a sandwich with hard biscuits or soft cakes
- Vertical/horizontal injection into cakes, donuts, berliners

Main references in North America: Leclerc Foods, Dare Foods, Mondelez, Westons, Bridor.
Galerie machines :